Tuesday, November 17, 2009

damaged goods

Jordan finally has her first boyfriend. They've been dating since homecoming and he's a really sweet guy but she is completely head over heels. Last wednesday at senior girl bible study she was talking about how they met and telling their story and whatnot and she was saying that she knows that she'll marry Phillip. I'm worried because I felt the same way about Jer. There was never a doubt in my mind...Even when I broke up with him I couldn't believe what I was saying. My mom is still convinced I'll marry him. But I know that none of it was ever true. That future is lost to me and I think that's one of the hardest things about losing him. Not only did I lose my best friend but i lost whatever future I had with him as well. I don't want Jordan to be broken like I am. Especially not with her first boyfriend.
That's another thing. I've accepted the fact that I'm damaged goods. I don't know what guy will ever want that but that's what I am. There are pieces of my heart that I've given away that I'll never get back. A small piece to Jack and a huge one to Jeremy. Whatever heart I have left belongs to God. There's nothing left to give away.
I think reading New Moon was NOT a good idea. I knew that reading it so soon would be hard. And it was. I know exactly the pain she goes through. So not only did I basically subject myself to agonizing emotional pain but it's caused me to see my "love life" in such depressing ways.
No matter how much it hurts or how depressing my personal life may seem, at least I have not sunk back into that numb stupor that I had at times. I haven't hurt my parents like that and I haven't been apathetic towards anything.

We sent in the first deposit to SU today. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited

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