Monday, July 20, 2009


I have two best friends and they mean the world to me. Some days I feel as though I love them the most because compared to my family (who can be quite challenging) they are sane and more importantly, they keep me sane. The Bible is always stressing the importance of surrounding oneself with people who love God and who will be a good influence for your life. Well I'm certain I've hit the jackpot on that one!

My best friend Katie and I have been friends for nearing four years now. It's perfectly clear that God put her in my life because she's absolutely the perfect best friend for me and she came at the perfect time in my life. High school is a difficult time for everybody but most people who come out alive, can thank a group or maybe just one person for their survival. My thanks go to Katherine Anne. She brings out the best and the worst in me and I couldn't be more grateful for that. She's basically my sister (although her mother wouldn't like to hear that so much; she'd think Katie was abandoning her family, poor Mrs. Lisa...). For better or worse, I can count that Katie will always be there for me with a box of Oreo's, a garden hose, lots of impending laughs and...YOUR MOM.

Jeremy didn't actually start out as a friend...more like an acquaintance. We met at church about two years ago and I'm not quite sure what actually happened but we started dating a few weeks later and haven't stopped! Now, he's my best friend and the best boyfriend a girl could hope for. The terms "knight in shinning armor" and "prince charming" don't come close. While we've had our ups and downs over these two incredible years, we've been able to work it out and that's what loving relationships are all about anyways, right? I couldn't imagine living without him in my life in some form or another. I just happened to get lucky enough for him to call me his girlfriend. Jeremy is wise beyond his years and has patiently held my hand through a lot of crazy stuff. (Katie has as well but of course in different ways). While we're currently living on a "don't-know-when-I'll-see-you-again" basis, we've managed to work out the long distance relationship thing. I can't wait to see what God has in store for our relationship and I'm so thankful He put us together!

A man of many companions may come to ruin,
but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24

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